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"The Arts" Music and Art

Here at Phoenix we believe that every child is an artist. We use the arts through all subjects as well as teaching them on their own. We really enjoy these subjects and truly think that the arts can develop growth mindset and happy engaged learners. 

Take a look at all the things happening in school in this subject right now...

"The Arts" Policy

Art Progression Map

Music Progression Map

Summer 24 

Year 2 class 6 using paints to create a colourful 🦩 flamingo picture

Spring 2024

Class 6 creating turtles to finish our learning based on the book Grandad’s Island 🏝️

Year 2 class 5 and 6 have been using skills of sculpting, collage and painting to create their own bog baby characters and habitats linked to our work in English on the story of Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis

Class 4 have been exploring the work of the artist Van Gogh.

Class 4 have been using musical instruments to play the pulse and beat of the music.

Autumn 23

In Year 1 this half term we have been exploring colour. We started by sorting colours and recognising the primary colours. Using this knowledge we made colour wheels. We then used paint to mix the primary colours and create a colour chart