Online Safety
Children are growing up in a time where screens are everywhere and the internet plays a big part in their lives, even from a very young age. This can be beneficial, they can learn new things, connect with friends and family, and have fun. But it's important to have conversations on how to explore the online world safely.
Online safety is a major component of the Computing curriculum and children are taught how to stay safe online and what they can do if they come across anything online that makes them feel uncomfortable.
There is lots of advice and information for parents to help ensure that you have the correct knowledge and parental controls in place to help keep your children safe. Please see the menu to access links to parent's guides and support.
Here are some top tips to help your child to stay safe:
Discuss internet safety and develop an online safety plan with children before they engage in online activity. Establish clear guidelines, teach children to spot red flags, and encourage children to have open communication with you.
Supervise young children’s use of the internet, including periodically checking their profiles and posts. Keep electronic devices in open, common areas of the home and consider setting time limits for their use.
Review games, apps, and social media sites before they are downloaded or used by children.
Adjust privacy settings and use parental controls for online games, apps, social medial sites, and electronic devices.
Tell children to avoid sharing personal information, photos, and videos online
Encourage children to tell a parent, guardian, or other trusted adult if they feel unsafe, or have seen something they don't like.